Refer a Friend and Earn
Know someone who could benefit from Lyfe Publishing’s exceptional services? Refer them and earn a generous referral bonus!
We value your trust and loyalty, and we want to reward you for spreading the word about our top-notch publishing solutions. When you refer a friend or colleague who becomes a new Lyfe Publishing client, you’ll earn a referral bonus based on the package they choose:
- Bronze Package: $25
- Silver Package: $50
- Gold Package: $75
- Platinum Package: $100
How it works:
- Your friend or colleague signs up for a Lyfe Publishing package.
- They mention your name during the signup process.
- Once their payment clears, you’ll receive your referral bonus.
It’s that simple!
Important Note: Referral bonuses are only applicable to new clients.
Ready to start earning? Share your unique referral link with your network today!
[Insert referral link here]
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